How old is Big Sean?
Big Sean was born on 25 March 1988.
Big Sean is 36 years old.
How old is Big Sean in days now?
Big Sean is 36 years 10 months 24 days old.
Total 13,479 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Big Sean?
Big Sean's next birthday is in 1 month 7 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Big Sean?
Zodiac sign of Big Sean is Aries.
Big Sean, born Sean Michael Leonard Anderson, is an American hip-hop star and rapper, songwriter and producer. He grew up in Detroit and started taking part in local rap-battles when he was in high school. In 2007, Sean signed up with GOOD music, the company of Kanye West. He started releasing his mixtapes online and gaining popularity among local hip hop fans. The first solo album of Big Sean was released in 2011 and helped increase the audience of the rapper. Since then, he has been releasing an album every two years, with every each one achieving better and better progress. Thus, the third album was Number 1 in the US Hip Hop charts, and the fourth one entered the US Billboard 200 chart. Big Sean dated an actress Naya Rivera, and then he started a relationship with Ariana Grande who he met during 2015 Grammy Awards ceremony. In the late 2010s he dated another American singer, Jhene Aiko.