How old is Cody Jones?

Cody Jones was born on 9 October 1989.
Cody Jones is 35 years old.

How old is Cody Jones in days now?

Cody Jones is 35 years 4 months 2 days old.
Total 12,909 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Cody Jones?

Cody Jones's next birthday is in 7 months 28 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Cody Jones?

Zodiac sign of Cody Jones is Libra.

Cody Jones is a cool YouTuber and a talented content creator known for being one of the founders of the channel called DudePerfect. Born in 1989 in Texas, he spent his childhood in Plano, alongside his family. As a child and teenager Cody had plenty of hobbies and interests starting from computers and playing computer games, and ending up with sports like athletics or basketball which he used to play successfully as he is really tall (currently 6'6''). In the late 2000s while studying in the University of Texas, he met his friends Cory Cotton, Coby Cotton, Garrett Hilbert, and Tyler Toney, so all together they established their famous channel DudePerfect. They have been creating and posting plenty of extremely successful content focused on comedy, healthy lifestyle, sport, and entertainment. Currently, as of the late 2024, the number of the followers of DudePerfect is close to 60 million people, and the number has been growing. Cody Jones is the tallest, the loudest, the most active and creative part of the group. He is married and with his wife Alison they have two daughters and a son.

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