How old is Dylan Conrique?
Dylan Conrique was born on 13 April 2004.
Dylan Conrique is 20 years old.
How old is Dylan Conrique in days now?
Dylan Conrique is 20 years 10 months 5 days old.
Total 7,616 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Dylan Conrique?
Dylan Conrique's next birthday is in 1 month 26 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Dylan Conrique?
Zodiac sign of Dylan Conrique is Aries.
One of the young American celebrities, Dylan Conrique is an actress, singer, and dancer, who became famous along with her elder brother Caden by starring in a popular TV series for teenagers Chicken Girls. Dylan was born in 2004 in California and started demonstrating her unique musical and artistic abilities in her early years. In 2008 she made her first TV appearance in The First Astonishing News TV series, which was followed by one more in 2014. Two years later she took part in House of Darkness movie, Weird Wild Wonderful Days of School movies, and a few episodes of Henry Danger. In 2017 she joined the cast of Chicken Girls, along with such media stars as Annie LeBlanc, Hayden Summerall, HRVY, Hayley LeBlanc, Indiana Massara, and others. Dylan Conrique is a good friend with Mackenzie Ziegler and appeared in her videos, as well as in the ones of Johnny Orlando's. She recorded a few songs like "Just Us", "How Far I'll Go" (Alessia Cara cover), "Girl time", "Heartbeat", etc. She used to date Sebastian Moy.
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