How old is Eazy-E?
Eazy-E was born on 7 September 1964. Eazy-E died on 26 March 1995 at the age of 30 years.
What was the exact age of Eazy-E?
Eazy-E's exact age was 30 years 6 months 19 days old. Eazy-E lived for total 11,157 days.
What would be the age of Eazy-E if alive?
Eazy-E's exact age would be 60 years 5 months old if alive. Total 22,068 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Eazy-E?
Zodiac sign of Eazy-E is Virgo.
Eazy-E was a hip hop singer, musician, songwriter, and producer who is considered to be among the most avid early promoters of rap as a culture, especially the gangsta rap. Born Eric Lynn Wright in 1964 in California, he grew up in one of the most dangerous and criminal neighborhoods of LA. Just like most of his peers, when Eric was young he used to have plenty of problems with police. He dropped out of school when he was 15 and started working, as well as rapping. Having earned some money, together with his friend Eazy-E established a recording studio which became a center of hip hop music and its fans. The late 1980s were marked by numerous collaborations and recording some great songs with such rappers as Dr. Dre, Ice Cube and others. Eazy-E was a member of N.W.A. group which included a few West Coast rappers who recorded their songs together. He took part in recording two albums of the band, as well as recorded two solo albums of his own. In the early 1990s he almost gave up recording his music and focused rather on producing young rappers. Unfortunately, Eazy-E passed away in spring 1995, at the age of only 30....