How old is Finneas O'Connell?

Finneas O'Connell was born on 30 July 1997.
Finneas O'Connell is 27 years old.

How old is Finneas O'Connell in days now?

Finneas O'Connell is 27 years 6 months 12 days old.
Total 10,058 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Finneas O'Connell?

Finneas O'Connell's next birthday is in 5 months 19 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Finneas O'Connell?

Zodiac sign of Finneas O'Connell is Leo.

Finneas O'Connell is a successful music producer, songwriter and actor known mainly as the elder brother of Billie Eilish. Born in 1997 in LA to the family of two quite famous people who have to do with music and acting. His father is Patrick O'Connel and his mum is Maggie Bard, as screenplay writer. Their mum was the first teacher of music of Finneas and Billie, and when he was 12 he started writing his first songs and turned out to be really successful at that. He started recording his first songs and improving in mastering the songwriting skills. In the early 2011 he tried himself in acting by taking part in producing a TV film Bad Teacher. Shortly after he appeared in a few episodes of such iconic TV series as Modern Family and Glee. At the same time he continued to work on his songs, as well as closely collaborating with his sister whose finest hour was just about to begin. For their join work, they have won 8 Grammy Award so far, including the ones for the best debut album, the best song and the best album of the year, etc. Finneas O'Connel released his own solo EP in 2019, and his debut studio album titled Optimist came out in 2021 and had great success.

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