How old is Frank Ocean?

Frank Ocean was born on 28 October 1987.
Frank Ocean is 37 years old.

How old is Frank Ocean in days now?

Frank Ocean is 37 years 3 months 14 days old.
Total 13,621 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Frank Ocean?

Frank Ocean's next birthday is in 8 months 17 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Frank Ocean?

Zodiac sign of Frank Ocean is Scorpio.

Frank Ocean is a pop singer and songwriter who is known for his unique and interesting musical style. Born Chris Edwin Breaux in 1987 in Long Beach, California, he spent his early years in New Orleans, alongside his parents and two younger siblings. Inspired by his mum and her true love to jazz music, Chris started getting interested in playing musical instruments and singing. He began attending numerous jazz bars in New Orleans and got involved in making music. In the mid 2000s during his university times his life was disrupted by the consequences of Hurricane Katrina, and Chris moved to California where he continued working on creating his compositions and looking for his special style. In 2010 he joined a hip hop group named Odd Future and a year later released his first solo EP followed by his first studio album. The second one titled Channel Orange came out in 2012 and had a few great hits like "Thinkin Bout You" which brought Frank Ocean a lot of recognition and a nomination of the Record of the Year.So far, he has released 4 studio albums with amazing hits like "Godspeed", "Night", "In My Room", "Novacane", etc. He has got 2 Grammy awards and a few international awards as a solo artist. He collaborated with a large number of hip hop singers like Jay Z or Kanye West though his style can not be named fully hip hop. Frank Ocean has recently lost his younger brother who died in a car accident at the age of only 18...

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