How old is John Smith?

John Smith was born on 1 January 1580. John Smith died on 21 June 1631 at the age of 51 years.

What was the exact age of John Smith?

John Smith's exact age was 51 years 5 months 20 days old. John Smith lived for total 18,799 days.

What would be the age of John Smith if alive?

John Smith's exact age would be 445 years 1 month 6 days old if alive. Total 162,571 days.

What is the zodiac sign of John Smith?

Zodiac sign of John Smith is Capricorn.

John Smith was a Medieval English explorer, traveler and an important personality who is considered to be the one to establish a large British colony in the newly discovered North American continent. He came to this world in 1580 in Lincolnshire and spent his childhood in a local farm. He started serving as a seaman when he was 16 and in his 20s he was involved in various military campaigns in the Mediterranean Sea, mainly against the Ottoman ships. In the first decade of the 17th century Smith singed up for a large operating focused on creating the first British colony in the lands of today's Virginia. He was among those who established Jamestown and exploring the areas around the Chesapeake Bay. In the 1610s and 1620s Smith wrote a lot of books and created plenty of maps helping encourage and improve the opportunities of the British to join the new colony in the New England of North America. John Smith died in 1631 in the UK and is buried in London.

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