How old is Justin Trudeau?
Justin Trudeau was born on 25 December 1971.
Justin Trudeau is 53 years old.
How old is Justin Trudeau in days now?
Justin Trudeau is 53 years 1 month 15 days old.
Total 19,405 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Justin Trudeau?
Justin Trudeau's next birthday is in 10 months 16 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Justin Trudeau?
Zodiac sign of Justin Trudeau is Capricorn.
Justin Trudeau is a Canadian statesman, the current Prime Minister of the country and a bright educated politician of the new generation. He was born in 1971 in Ottawa, in the family of Pierre Elliott Trudeau, who also was the Prime Minister of Canada. Justin grew up in a motivational environment of a rich ambitious family and studied English literature at McGill University, as well as technical teaching in the University of British Columbia. Later on, he was back to McGill University to continue his research in geography and started his career as a teacher of English and French languages. He was a very interested and modern young man, so he managed to combine his studies with working on the radio and enjoying various kinds of sports, including skiing.
The late 1990s and 2000 became tragic in Trudeau family history since both Justin’s father and elder brother passed away. Young Trudeau’s speech in the funeral of his father became an upturn in his political career, and very soon Justin became one of the young leaders of the Liberal Party of the country. He was elected in 2008 and then re-elected again 4 years later. In October 2015 the Party received the majority in the Parliament, and Trudeau became the Prime Minister of the country. His work is focused on strengthening Canadian economy, creating new jobs and attracting new international investments. Trudeau is loved around the world for his sincerity, wisdom, positive attitudes, and great look. He is married to Sophie Grégoire, a former radio and TV host. The couple has 3 children, two sons, and a lovely daughter.
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