How old is Meek Mill?
Meek Mill was born on 6 May 1987.
Meek Mill is 37 years old.
How old is Meek Mill in days now?
Meek Mill is 37 years 9 months 12 days old.
Total 13,803 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Meek Mill?
Meek Mill's next birthday is in 2 months 18 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Meek Mill?
Zodiac sign of Meek Mill is Taurus.
Meek Mill is a rapper and a musician. Born as Robert Rihmeek Willams in 1987, he grew up in Philadelphia alongside his older sister. The family lived in poverty. Little Robert started getting interested in hip hop music and taking part in rap battles when he was a teenager. During that time, the young boy took the nickname Meek Mill. In 2008 he released his first mixtape with a few very good hits, and shortly he signed up with the recording label of a rapper from Atlanta, T.I. In 2012 Mill's first studio album came out titled Dreams and Nightmares. So far, Mill has released 4 studio albums and a large number of hits like "Tupac Back", "All Eyes On You", "R.I.C.O" (his collaboration with Drake), "Whatever You Need", "Going Bad", and others. He often collaborates with a number of musicians like Cardi B, Fabulous, Cassidy, Rick Ross, Ella Mai, Lil Snupe, and others. Meek Mill dated Nicki Minaj but the couple split up.