How old is Suede Estelle Parker?

Suede Estelle Parker was born on 6 December 2024.
Suede Estelle Parker is old.

How old is Suede Estelle Parker in days now?

Suede Estelle Parker is 2 months 12 days old.
Total 74 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Suede Estelle Parker?

Suede Estelle Parker's next birthday is in 9 months 18 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Suede Estelle Parker?

Zodiac sign of Suede Estelle Parker is Sagittarius.

Suede Estelle Parker is a celebrity child and a future social media star. She was born in 2024 to KassaDee Parker known as one of the family channel NotEnoughNelsons, and her husband Josh Parker, and Instagram star. The couple got married in 2019 and in 2022 KassaDee suffered a miscarriage. Thus, Suede Estelle was a very long awaited child. Of course, her life has been tracked by her parents and presented on their joint channel Kass & Josh. They  commented on her coming to this world as a "very long journey" so she is loved so much not just by her mum and dad but also by thousands of fans around the world. If you want to follow the life of lovely Suede Estelle Parker and her wonderful family, you can follow their YouTube channel.

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