How old is Prince William?
Prince William was born on 21 June 1982.
Prince William is 42 years old.
How old is Prince William in days now?
Prince William is 42 years 8 months 14 days old.
Total 15,600 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Prince William?
Prince William's next birthday is in 3 months 14 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Prince William?
Zodiac sign of Prince William is Cancer.
Prince William (his full name is William Arthur Philip Louis Windsor or Duke of Cambridge) is a member of the British Royal family and the eldest son of Prince Charles and Princess Diana, as well as the elder brother of Prince Harry. William is a grandson of Queen Elizabeth II and is currently the second in the line to the British throne, after his father Charles. William received excellent education in private schools of London and in college, he studied the history of arts, biology and geography. The Prince was very close with his mom, and in August 1997, when Princess Diana died in a car accident, William was completely broken. He continued his education followed by his military training, receiving a special rank of Lieutenant Wales. During the late 2000s, he joined Royal Air Forces and managed to obtain the rank of the pilot in command. In 2011 he got married to Catherine Middleton, who became Duchess of Cambridge and is the mother of their three children, Prince George, Princess Charlotta, and Prince Louis. Prince William is a big fan of polo, motorcycle racing, and soccer.
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